County Council Holds Public Hearing Ahead of Decision on Proposed Transportation Penny Referendum

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At a special called meeting Tuesday, July 9, Richland County Council provided a forum for residents to give their input on a newly proposed Transportation Sales Tax referendum.

Residents from across the County arrived early to sign in and take a seat in Council Chambers, which eventually filled to capacity. More than 25 residents signed up to speak during the public hearing, with an additional four emailed comments read aloud for the record.

The comments ranged from praise for work completed through the current Transportation Penny program and support for the new referendum, to disappointment about how the program was implemented in 2012, to suggestions on better ways to manage project equity across County districts.

A majority of residents voiced their support for a new referendum to continue the positive impacts on transportation, safety, accessibility, economic growth and quality of life the Penny has made possible.

The public hearing came in advance of County Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting Tuesday, July 16. During this meeting, Council will give the referendum a third and final reading and vote on whether it will appear on the ballot in the November elections.

Stay informed. All Council meetings are streamed live on Richland County’s YouTube Channel.