Active Projects

The Project list contains upcoming, in construction and completed projects paid for by the Penny Tax.
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Lower Richland Blvd Widening

Expected Completion: 10/01/2026

Project Details:

The project consists of widening the existing roadway to five lanes (two lanes in each direction with a 15- foot center median) from Garners Ferry Road (US 76 / 378) toward Rabbit Run (S-2089 / 404) for an approximate distance of 1300 feet. After 1300 feet, widen the existing road to three lanes (one lane in each direction with a 15-foot center median) to the intersection with Rabbit Run (S-2089 / 404). Extend the existing sidewalk along the east side of Lower Richland Boulevard to Garners Ferry Road. Provide a sidewalk on the west side of Lower Richland Boulevard from Rabbit Run to Garners Ferry Road. A roundabout will be constructed at the intersection of Lower Richland Boulevard and Rabbit Run. Improve the skew angle for the northbound approach on Lower Richland Blvd at Garners Ferry Rd.

Design / Right of Way

Percival Road Sidewalk

Expected Completion: 04/01/2025

Project Details:

Project consists of a 5 ft. wide concrete sidewalk on one side along Percival Road from Forest Drive to Decker Boulevard.

Design / Right of Way

Pineview Road Widening

Expected Completion: 09/01/2027

Project Details:

This project will consist of widening the existing roadway to three lanes between Shop Road (SC 768) and Garners Ferry Road (US 76/US 378). The addition of a two-way left turn lane along the length of the roadway with exclusive left turn lanes at certain locations.

Design / Right of Way

Polo Road Widening

Expected Completion: 08/01/2026

Project Details:

The proposed scope is from Two Notch Road to Mallet Hill Road with bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. Based on Council’s approval, the scope provides intersection improvements (turning lanes) at the locations of the four intersections (Polo Road with Two Notch Road, Running Fox Road, Miles Road, and Mallet Hill Road), and then include 5’ concrete sidewalk with 3’ offset from back of curb and gutter section along both sides of the roadway.

Design / Right of Way

Polo Road/Windsor Lake Greenway

Expected Completion: 11/01/2025

Project Details:

The project consists of approximately 0.75 miles of a greenway and trail with bridges, boardwalks, and supporting facilities that extend from Windsor Lake Boulevard North of I-77 along the I-77 and I-20 interchange to the intersection of Alpine Road and Polo Road.

Design / Right of Way

Shop Rd Extension Phase 2

Expected Completion: 01/01/2028

Project Details:

The proposed descope includes proceeding with Alternate 4 from Shop Road Ext. Ph. 1 to Montgomery Ln. and then allow traffic to continue on Montgomery. Also, perform any needed intersection improvements along Montgomery\Old Hopkins, and improve safety at existing railroad crossing.

Design / Right of Way

Shop Road Widening

Expected Completion: 08/01/2026

Project Details:

The project consists of widening the existing roadway to five lanes (two lanes in each direction with a 15-foot center median) with 4’ bike lanes, curb and gutter, and sidewalks on both sides of the road from the intersection with George Rogers Blvd. toward Mauney Drive for an approximate distance of 2.2 miles. No improvements will be done to the roadway at the intersection with George Rogers Blvd.

Design / Right of Way

Smith Rocky Branch Greenway

Expected Completion: 11/01/2025

Project Details:

The scope of the proposed Greenway will be Granby Park to Gervais Street.

Design / Right of Way

Southeast Richland Neighborhood Project (SERN) Phase 2

Expected Completion: 03/01/2025

Project Details:

The Southeast Richland Neighborhood Master Plan includes three projects that are included in the Transportation Penny Program. The three projects are: (1 Multi-use path on Rabbit Run from Garners Park Road to Lower Richland Blvd; (2 Multi-use path on Lower Richland Blvd from Rabbit Run to the High School; (3 Garners Park Road: 2-lane road on new location from US 76/378 (Garners Ferry Road/Garners Ferry Sports Complex to S-2089 (Rabbit Run, approximately 0.5 miles. A fourth project was included to correct an existing drainage problem with Rabbit Run.

Design / Right of Way