Vital Intersection Projects Completed

A pair of important Transportation Penny projects recently were completed. Both intersection projects are already improving traffic flow and safety for drivers.
The intersection at Garners Ferry and Harmon roads in Lower Richland was widened to provide a dedicated right turn lane onto Harmon Road and widening along Harmon provides new turn lanes. The project scope included installation of a new traffic signal.
The second intersection at Percival and Screaming Eagle roads was completed in late October under budget and ahead of schedule. The scope of the project called for realigning Screaming Eagle Road to bring the angle of the intersection closer to 90 degrees, improving visibility
for drivers. Screaming Eagle Road was widened, with left- and right-turn lanes added to improve capacity and traffic flow. Percival Road was widened to add a new left-turn lane onto Screaming Eagle Road.
The $2.5 million completion cost came in considerably less than the initial estimated budget of $3.1 million. Both projects are excellent examples of your Penny making big change for safer road designs.